Friday, April 23, 2010

Tchoukball Charter

1. The game excludes any striving after prestige, whether personal or collective.
On a personal level : The attitude of the player implies respect of every other player, whether on one's own side or in the other team, whether stronger or weaker than one's self.
The game being open to players of all degrees of competency (constitutional or acquired), one inevitably meets players of every possible category. The respect and consideration due to one and all oblige each player to adapt his own conduct (technical or tactical) to the circumstances of the moment.
On a collective level : A result, no matter what, involves no-one's reputation and, above all, allows for no sectarianism. From victory one can derive pleasure and even joy, but never the satisfaction of vain glory. The joy of winning is an encouragement, whereas arrogance in victory carries the seeds of a struggle for prestige which we condemn as giving rise to inter-human conflict of every kind and degree.
2. The game requires all-out dedication : First of all, when keeping a constant watch on the movements of the ball, secondly when observing objectively and sympathetically the other players.
Self-renunciation is subjective participation in the event. It results in a melting of personalities in the reciprocal confrontation of reactions within the game. That is to say :
a) A sense of the collective achievements of the team : it welds together the players of a team; it teaches esteem, appreciation of the other's value; it creates a feeling of oneness in the common effort of a small group.
b) The assimilation of the attitudes of the so-called adverse group, towards whom one must oppose opportunistic play free of any kind of hostile undercurrents.
c) The major concern of each player must be to strive after beauty of play. Universal experience in sport can be resumed by the expression : "Elegant playing attracts elegant playing."
This mental attitude is the pivot of the social action of tchoukball :
It encourages one to aim for perfection and always to avoid any negative action towards the adversary. It is more than just the rule of a game. It is a rule for social conduct all times; a psychical component of behaviour; the basis of the social personality.
The aim is therefore the avoidance of conflicts, with one aim in view : the notion of fair play being outmoded, We are talking not of concessions to be made to the adversary, but rather of an activity in common, linking the team together, where the beauty of play from the other side leads to and develops beauty of play from the other side.
3. The game is a social exercise through physical activity.
It is a pooling of means of action, the better players accepting the responsibility for teaching the less adept; therefore there is no real championship, but a race for competency.
When one say, "let the best man win", it should mean that being the best man can be achieved through adequate preparation. This being so, it is appropriate that the results should reward the trouble the players have taken, individually and in the common effort.
Within these limits, a victory can and should bring normal satisfaction and meet with respect from the adversary.
Victory should stimulate in the adversary the desire to do as well, and not a feeling of belittlement or arrogant domination. The winners should strive to give this impression. Healthy satisfaction on the part of the winners is way of holding out their hands to the losers, to incite them to continue to train properly.
For these reasons the notion of champion should give way to the simpler, better adapted one of winner.
Playing to improve one's performance is the impulse that every activity should imply and develop: it is towards this goal that every tchoukball organisation must tend, from the smallest friendly encounter to the most important confrontation at the summit.

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